Monday, November 8, 2010

falling off the wagon

Dear Baby,

we don't have a name for you yet.  i think it'd be easier to pair a name with your face.  what if we want to call you charles but you look like a gabe?

one day years from now you'll develop a taste for music and your mom and i will hate it.  you'll ask yourself, "they used to listen to popular music, when did they stop?  when did my parents fall off the cool wagon?"  well baby, that day (at least for your father) is today.  whip my hair? taylor swift? no thanks.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's a boy!

I'm So Excited!

we're going to the doctor to find out the gender in about 45 minutes.

this is me (Law).
I'm So Excited!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


All of a sudden I've been craving hot dogs.  Costco has a $1.50 hot dog and drink deal that's simply irresistible.  I've had several of those and a whole 8 pack of Nathan's Famous within the past 2 weeks.  They're probably not healthy at all but it's not like I'm pregnant or anything.  It's weird I've been getting cravings and Judy hasn't.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

it's a girl! (maybe)

i (law) think it's a girl.  here's why:

1.)  we're only thinking of girl names.  we have to effort to think of boy names but there's only one that i like and judy doesn't have even one that she likes.
2.)  i had a dream last night it was a girl.
3.)  we want a boy, so it'll probably be a girl.  if it turns out to be a girl and you're our daughter reading this in xxxx years, mom and dad love you and am glad it was a girl instead.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


most popular questions so far:

1.)  do you know the gender?

we won't know until early october, but we intend to find out.  i (law) hate feeling unprepared.  judy and i were looking at baby outfits two weekends ago (tax free weekend!) but were unable to decide on anything b/c we didn't know the gender.  for whatever reason i've found outfits marked unisex still lean toward one gender.

2.)  do you want a boy or a girl?

judy wants a girl.  i want a boy.  i think judy wants a mini her.  actually that's not true, i just can't remember why she wants a girl right now.  i want a boy because although i'm not necessarily afraid of prison (ok i am), i think my protective nature and propensity to succumb to irrational behavior gives me a higher chance to end up in prison if we have a teenage girl rather than a boy.  also, i think baby boys are cuter faster (i like long hair on girls and it takes forever for hair to grow! besides a chubby baby boy is cuter than a chubby baby girl), and there's only so long where they'll stay cute enough and small enough for me to want to hold them.  or so i think anyway.  one other thing while on this topic:  we are only half-kidding in saying we fear having an ugly baby. 

3.)  have you started picking out names?

yes.  problem is, there isn't one single name we both agree on.  hopefully narrowing it down to boy/girl will make it easier.  one thing i really don't want at this time is to name a boy after me.  not with the same name anyway. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

13 weeks

I read a book to my Kindergartners today called How to Lose All Your Friends and one of the things listed was to whine. So I promise to do my best not to make this blog a whining session about being pregnant because this experience is one of the biggest blessings in our lives right now. 

At 13 weeks pregnant you are supposed to have gained 0-3 pounds. I have successfully gained 10-12 (depending on time of day). I would post a picture of that except I think a picture of my belly should be of baby and not food/water.
Instead, I will show you a picture of what I'm supposed to look like right now!

Baby is now 3 inches long and the size of a peach! To make things easier I am just going to refer to baby as a "she" (we won't find out gender for another 7 weeks). Because she can now move her arms that means she could possibly be sucking her thumb already! The image of that makes me smile.

Ok blog, that is all I will say for right now. More updates to come.

Monday, August 23, 2010

do not want

Was reminded of these that Judy and I did from a long time ago.  Time to start praying.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

11 weeks, 6 days

the doctor, she said baby's legs are crossed at the ankles.  i can't really see it but we believe her.  she reminds us of andrea mertz.